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James A. Piazza. 2024. "Demographic Change Threat, Preference for Nondemocratic Governance, and Support for Political Violence." Social Science Quarterly. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza. 2024. "Allegations of Democratic Election Fraud and Support for Political Violence Among Republicans." American Politics Research. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza. 2023. "Populism and Support for Political Violence in the United State: Assessing the Role of Grievances, Distrust of Political Institutions, Social Change Threat, and Political Illiberalism." Political Research Quarterly. Accepted and Forthcoming.
Khusrav Gaibulloev, James A. Piazza, and Todd Sandler. 2023. "Do Failed or Weak States Favor Resident Terrorist Groups' Survival?" Journal of Conflict Resolution. Accepted and published online.
James A. Piazza. 2023. "Fear of Terrorism and Support for Nondemocratic Rule in Democracies." International Interactions. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza. 2023. "Political Polarization and Political Violence." Security Studies. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza. 2022. "Drivers of Political Violence in the United States." Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza and Natalia Van Doren. 2022. "It's About Hate: Trump Approval, Racism, Xenophobia and Support for Political Violence." American Politics Research. Accepted and Forthcoming.
Katarzyna Jasko, Gary LaFree, James A. Piazza and Michael H. Becker. 2022. "A Comparison of Violence by Left-Wing, Right-Wing and Islamist Extremists in the United States and the World." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza. 2022. "Intolerance of Non-Muslim Political Rights and Engagement in Political Violence: A Study of Public Opinion in 11 Arab Countries." Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza. 2021. “Sore Losers: Does Terrorism and Approval of Terrorism Increase in Democracies When Election Losers Refuse to Accept Election Results?” Political Research Quarterly. Accepted and Forthcoming.
Nazli Avdan, James A. Piazza, Michael J. Soules. 2021. “Silver Lining?: The Effects of Epidemics on Terrorist Groups.” Terrorism and Political Violence. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza. 2021. “The Impact of Rural-Urban Economic Disparities on Terrorist Organizations’ Survival and Attacks.” Defence and Peace Economics. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza. 2021. “Fake News: The Effects of Social Media Disinformation on Domestic Terrorism.” Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza and Michael J. Soules. 2020. “Terror After the Caliphate: The Effect of ISIS Loss of Control over Population Centers on Patterns of Global Terrorism.” Security Studies. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza. 2020. “White Demographic Anxiety and Support for Torture of Terrorism Suspects.” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. Accepted and Forthcoming.
Brian Thiede, Matthew Hancock, Ahmed Kodouda and James Piazza. 2020. “Exposure to Armed Conflict and Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Demography. 57: 2113-2141.
James A. Piazza. 2020. “Politician Hate Speech and Domestic Terrorism.” International Interactions. 46(3): 431-453.
James A. Piazza. 2020. “Suicide Attacks and Hard Targets: An Empirical Examination.” Defence and Peace Economics. 31(2): 142-159.
James A. Piazza and Scott Piazza. 2020. “Crime Pays: Terrorist Group Engagement in Crime and Survival.” Terrorism and Political Violence. 32(4): 701-723.
James A. Piazza. 2019. “’Nondemocratic Islamists’ and Support for ISIS in the Arab World.” Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza and Gary LaFree. 2019. “Islamist Terrorism, Diaspora Links and Casualty Rates.” Perspectives on Terrorism. 13(5).
James A. Piazza and Ahmet Guler. 2019. “The Online Caliphate: Internet Usage and ISIS Support in the Arab World.” Terrorism and Political Violence. Accepted and Forthcoming.
James A. Piazza. 2019. “Democratic Skepticism and Support for Terrorism in the Palestinian Territories.” Public Choice. 178(3-4): 417-443
James A. Piazza and Seung-Whan Choi. 2018. “International Military Interventions and Transnational Terrorist Backlash.” International Studies Quarterly. 62(3): 686-695.
James A. Piazza. 2018. “Transnational Ethnic Diasporas and the Survival of Terrorist Organizations.” Security Studies. 27(4): 607-632.
Cao, Xun, Haiyan Duan, Chuyu Liu, James A. Piazza and Yingjie Wei. 2018. “Digging the ‘Ethnic Violence in China’ Database: The Effects of Inter-Ethnic Inequality and Natural Resources Exploitation in Xinjiang.” The China Review. 18(1): 121-154.
Gaibulloev, Khusrav, James A. Piazza and Todd Sandler. 2017. “Regime Types and Terrorism.” International Organization. 71(3): 491-522.
Choi, Seung-Whan and James A. Piazza. 2017. “Foreign Military Interventions and Suicide Attacks.” Journal of Conflict Resolution.” 61(2): 271-297.
Piazza, James A. 2017. “The Determinants of Right-Wing Terrorism in the United States: Economic Grievance, Societal Change and Political Resentment.” Conflict Management and Peace Science. 34(1): 52-80.
Piazza, James A. 2017. “Repression and Terrorism: A Cross-National Empirical Analysis of Types of Repression and Terrorism.” Terrorism and Political Violence. 29(1): 102-118.
Conrad, Courtenay, Justin Conrad, James A. Piazza and James I. Walsh. 2017. “Who Tortures the Terrorists? Transnational Terrorism and Military Torture.” Foreign Policy Analysis. 13(4): 761-786.
Asal, Victor, Michael Findley, James A. Piazza and James I. Walsh. 2016. “Political Exclusion, Oil and Ethnic Armed Conflict.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. 60(8): 1343-1367.
Piazza, James A. 2016. “Oil and Terrorism: An Investigation of Mediators.” Public Choice. 169(3): 251-268.
Choi, Seung-Whan and James A. Piazza. 2016. “Internally-Displaced Populations and Suicide Terrorism.” Journal of Conflict Resolution. 60(6): 1008-1040.
Gill, Paul, James A. Piazza and John Horgan. 2016. “Counterterrorism Killings and Provisional IRA Bombings, 1970-1998. Terrorism and Political Violence. 28(3): 473-796.
Arva, Bryan and James A. Piazza. 2016. “Spatial Distribution of Minority Communities and Terrorism. Defence and Peace Economics. 27(1): 1-36
Choi, Seung-Whan and James A. Piazza. 2016. “Ethnic Groups, Political Exclusion and Domestic Terrorism” Defence and Peace Economics. 27(1): 37-63.
Piazza, James A. 2015. “Terrorist Suspect Religious Identity and Public Support for Harsh Interrogation and Detention Practices.” Political Psychology. 36(6): 667-690.
Piazza, James A. 2015. “Characteristics of Terrorism Hotspots.” CTX: Combatting Terrorism Exchange. 5(3): 15-22.
Bell, Sam, Chad Clay, Amanda Murdie and James Piazza. 2014. “Opening Yourself Up: The Role of External and Internal Transparency in Terrorism Attacks.” 2014. Political Research Quarterly. 67(3): 603-614.
Wilson, Matthew and James A. Piazza. 2013. “Autocracies and Terrorism: Conditioning Effects of Authoritarian Regime-Type on Terrorist Attacks.” American Journal of Political Science. 57(4): 941-955.
Piazza, James A. 2013. “Regime Age and Terrorism: Are New Democracies Prone to Terrorism?” International Interactions. 39(2): 246-263.
Piazza, James A. 2013. “The Cost of Living and Terror: Does Consumer Price Volatility Fuel Terrorism?” Southern Economic Journal. 79(4): 812-831.
Piazza, James A. “Does Poverty Serve as Root Cause of Terrorism?” 2013. Invited book chapter for Stuart Gottlieb (ed.) Debating Terrorism and Counterterrorism, 2nd Edition. Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press. Published earlier in 2009, 1st Edition.
Piazza, James A. 2012. “Types of Minority Discrimination and Terrorism.” Conflict Management and Peace Science. 29(5): 521-546.
Piazza, James A. 2012. “The Opium Trade and Patterns of Terrorism in the Provinces of Afghanistan: An Empirical Analysis.” Terrorism and Political Violence. 24(2): 213-234. Republished in James J. F. Forest (ed.) Intersections of Crime and Terror. London: Routledge Press. 2012.
Findley, Michael, James A. Piazza and Joseph Young. 2012. “Games Rivals Play: Terrorism in International Rivalries.” Journal of Politics. 74(1): 235-248.
Piazza, James A. 2011. “Illicit Drugs, Counternarcotics Strategies and Terrorism.” Public Choice. 149(3-4): 297-314.
Piazza, James A. 2011. “Poverty, Minority Economic Discrimination and Domestic Terrorism.” Journal of Peace Research. 48(3): 339-353.
Piazza, James A. and James I. Walsh. 2010. “Physical Integrity Rights and Terrorism.” 2010. PS: Political Science and Politics. 43(3):411-414.
Piazza, James A. 2010. “Terrorism and Party Systems in the States of India.” Security Studies. 19(1): 99-123.
Walsh, James I and James A. Piazza. 2010. “Why Respecting Physical Integrity Rights Reduces Terrorism.” Comparative Political Studies. 43(5): 551-577
Piazza, James A. and James I. Walsh. 2009. “Transnational Terror and Human Rights.” International Studies Quarterly. 53(1):125-148.
Piazza, James A. 2009. “Is Islamist Terrorism More Lethal?: An Empirical Study of Group Ideology, Organization and Goal Structure.” Terrorism and Political Violence. 21(1):62-88.
Piazza, James A. 2009. “Economic Development, Unresolved Political Conflict and Terrorism in India.” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. 32:406-419.
Piazza, James A. 2008. “A Supply-Side View of Suicide Terrorism: A Cross-National Study.” Journal of Politics. 70(1):28-39.
Piazza, James A. 2008. “Incubators of Terror: Do Failed and Failing States Promote Transnational Terrorism?” International Studies Quarterly. 52(3): 468-488.
Piazza, James A. 2008. “Do Democracy and Free Markets Protect Us from Terrorism?” International Politics. 45(1):72-91.
Piazza, James A. 2007. “Draining the Swamp: Democracy Promotion, State Failure and Terrorism in 19 Middle Eastern States.” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. 30: 521-539.
Piazza, James A. 2007. “Global Poverty, Inequality and Transnational Terrorism: A Research Note.” Perspectives on Terrorism. 1(4).
Piazza, James A. 2006. “Rooted In Poverty?: Terrorism, Poor Economic Development and Social Cleavages.” Terrorism and Political Violence. 18: 159-177.
Piazza, James A. 2005. “Globalizing Quiescence: The Effects of Globalization on Strikes in 14 Industrialized Countries.” Economic and Industrial Democracy. 26(2): 289-314.
Piazza, James A. 2002. Going Global: Unions and Globalization in the United States, Sweden and Germany. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.
Piazza, James A. 2001. “De-Linking Labor: Labor Unions and Social Democratic Parties under Globalization.” Party Politics. 7(4): 413-435.
Piazza, James A. 2000. “Peace as Social Dumping?: Regional Economic Integration and Labor Markets in Israel, Egypt and Jordan.” Southeastern Political Review. 28(1):27-54.
Piazza, James A. 1994. “The Democratic, Islamic Republic of Iran in Exile: The Mojahedin-e Khalq and its Struggle for Survival.” Digest of Middle East Studies. 3(4): 9-43.